November 27, 2010

Baby Food Preparation - Part 2

Pureed food is needed when we don't have much time every morning to prepare food for our baby.... we were rushing to prepare things that need to bring to work.. perform subuh prayer.. ironing clothes.. take a bath etc.

When we don't have time, but at the same time we want the best food to be serve to our love one... We need to find an alternative way that can speed up the duration of preparing it...

Pureed food is one of the solution... Pureed food can be store in the freezer up to 1 month maximum time...

Pureed is refer to food that being mashed or blend until its form consistency of soft creamy past or thick liquid.. It is the first step to introduce solid food to our little one... pureed food that i prepared for my baby was from vegetables, fruits and fish...

You have to identify first what kind of food your baby maybe allergic to... how?

The first time you introduce to your baby the vegetable or fruit, you need to repeat 4days in a row giving the the same food.. If your baby didn't show any sign of allergic (like diarrhea).. then you can continue with that kind of food....

Enjoy the steps below, how i prepared pureed food for my little one.. hope can help working mommies like me out there...

lobak_dipotongPotong sayuran/buah-buahan dalam size kecil

Contoh di atas menggunakan 2 jenis sayuran iaitu: carrot and broccoli...

Broccoli mempunyai vitamin A,C,K, zink, zat besi, asid folik, folat dan flavonoid.. Ia merupakan sumber kalsium yang baik dan mempunyai anti agen kanser...

lobak merah pula kaya dengan beta karotena, potasium, magnesium, vitamin B6 , asid folik dan tiamin. Mengandungi sedikit karbohidrat termasuklah minyak asid, zat besi, fosforus dan sulfur...
(sumber rujukan: mama saya lapar)

Seterusnya kukus sayuran/buah-buahan yang telah di potong tadi...
You can use electric stimmer, conventional stimmer that our mom used to make 'tepung talam' or 'pulut kuning'.. or you also can used other ways that appropriate..

Me using my own way.. see the picture above... =))

Setelah sayuran/buah-buahan itu cukup lembut, masukkan ke dalam pengisar untuk di kisar halus... jangan gunakan terlalu banyak air untuk mengisar, terutamanya buah-buahan kerana kandungan air di dalam buah-buhan telah tersedia banyak. Cukuplah air untuk menggerakkan pengisar...

Lepas tu, kena sediakan bekas ais seperti di bawah...

Tuangkan sayuran/buah-buahan yang telah dikisar ke dalam bekas ais seperti contoh di bawah:



Kemudian balutkan dengan plastik, sebelum di masukkan ke dalam peti ais sejuk beku... Tinggalkan di dalam peti ais sejuk beku semalaman sebelum di keluarkan dan diletakkan di dalam bekas plastik seperti gambar di bawah.

storage_pureedMasukkan semula bekas plastik berisi kiub pureed food ke dalam peti sejuk beku dan keluarkan serta panaskan di dalam microwave bila anda hendak menggunakannya... boleh juga dicampur di dalam bubur...

Jangan lupa untuk menamakan jenis puree food berserta tarikh penyediaan bagi memastikan tempoh tarikh tamat....

How long will food cubes keep in the freezer & refrigerator?
From PAED and certain websites... They said- Frozen pureed food cubes can be store in the freezer for a maximum of 1 to 3 months. But I personally... Never kept the frozen pureed food for more than 2 weeks time.. I prepared it in small quantity during weekends....
'They" also said - In the refrigerator, it is recommended that fresh pureed baby food be stored no longer than 48 hours.
Limit ini bagi memastikan bakteria tidak membiak di dalam puree dan menghindarkan 'taste of fridge' terasa pada makanan tersebut.
so itu sahaja buat kali ini... semoga sedikit sebanyak dapat membantu....=))

saya bukan pakar perubatan, jadi walaupun karangan ini membantu, anda perlu juga membuat penyelidikan tambahan atau refer kepada PAED atau mana-mana pengamal perubatan....
saya hanyalah menceritakan berdasarkan pengalaman membesarkan my liltle one..



shanyza lalala said...

ibu mithali gitu

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